Somalia Expels Ethiopian Ambassador Amid Port Deal Dispute

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By Criss

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Mogadishu, April 4, 2024 — In a move that underscores escalating tensions between Somalia and Ethiopia, the Somali government has announced the expulsion of Ethiopian Ambassador Mukhtar Mohamed. The decision comes in the wake of a heated dispute over a port deal in the breakaway region of Somaliland.


The port of Berbera, located in Somaliland, has been at the center of a contentious negotiation between Ethiopia and the self-declared independent state. The strategic port, which lies along the Gulf of Aden, holds immense economic and geopolitical significance for both nations. Ethiopia, a landlocked country, relies heavily on Berbera for its trade routes and access to the Red Sea.

The Port Deal Dispute

The disagreement revolves around the management and ownership of the Berbera port. Ethiopia has sought to strengthen its foothold in the region by investing in the port’s infrastructure and operations. However, Somalia views this move as a violation of its sovereignty and territorial integrity. The Somali government claims that any agreements related to the port must be negotiated directly with Mogadishu, not with Somaliland.

Ambassador’s Recall

In response to the escalating tensions, the office of Somalia’s Prime Minister announced Ambassador Mukhtar Mohamed’s recall for consultations. The decision effectively sends him back to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia’s capital. The move is a clear signal of Somalia’s displeasure with Ethiopia’s actions and its perceived interference in Somaliland affairs.

Consulate Closures

In addition to recalling the ambassador, Somalia has taken further steps. The government has ordered the closure of Ethiopia’s consulates in two key cities:

  1. Hargeisa: The largest city and capital of Somaliland.
  2. Garowe: The capital city of the semi-autonomous region of Puntland.

These closures are likely to strain diplomatic relations between the neighboring countries and could have broader implications for regional stability.

Regional Implications

The expulsion of Ambassador Mukhtar Mohamed and the consulate closures highlight the fragility of relations in the Horn of Africa. Both Somalia and Ethiopia face internal challenges, including political instability, security threats, and historical tensions. The Berbera port dispute adds another layer of complexity to an already delicate situation.

As the situation unfolds, international observers are closely monitoring developments. The Gulf of Aden remains a critical maritime corridor, and any disruptions could impact global trade and security.

Keep Reading: As tensions persist, the international community awaits further updates on the Somalia-Ethiopia standoff. The stakes are high, and the resolution of the port dispute will undoubtedly shape the region’s future.

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