Kapseret Residents Demand Closure of Oscar Sudi's Club, Citing Proximity to School

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KAPSERET, May 29, 2024— Tensions are rising in the Kapseret area as residents have come forward demanding the closure of a popular nightspot owned by local politician Oscar Sudi. The establishment, Timba XO, has come under fire for its location near a school, which residents argue is inappropriate and disruptive.

The residents' grievances center around the club's impact on the local community, particularly the youth. "It's unacceptable to have such a place so close to a school. It poses a risk to our children," said Mary Wanjiru, a concerned parent. She, along with others, highlighted issues ranging from noise pollution to the potential exposure of schoolchildren to inappropriate behavior and environments.

Timba XO, which has been operational for over a year, has become a popular destination for nightlife enthusiasts. However, its success is now being overshadowed by the controversy. "We have tried to address our concerns with the management, but nothing has changed. This club needs to be relocated for the sake of our community," said John Kiplangat, a local resident.

Oscar Sudi, a Member of Parliament for Kapseret, has defended his business, stating that it complies with all regulatory requirements. "Timba XO operates within the legal framework, and we have made every effort to ensure it does not disrupt the community. We believe in responsible business practices," Sudi remarked in a recent statement.

Despite these assurances, the residents remain unconvinced. They have organized petitions and community meetings to push for the club's closure. "We are not against businesses, but they must be situated appropriately. Our children's welfare should come first," emphasized Wanjiru.

The issue has also caught the attention of local authorities. The Uasin Gishu County Government has indicated that it will review the situation. "We are aware of the complaints and are looking into the matter to ensure the interests of all parties are considered," said County Commissioner George Omondi.

As the debate continues, the future of Timba XO hangs in the balance. The outcome will likely set a precedent for how similar conflicts are handled in the region, highlighting the ongoing struggle between development and community welfare.

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