Lady Looking for an Apartment in Lagos Rejects Dirty Area Shown by Agent

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By Israel Usulor

Lagos, Nigeria – Stella Chisom, a Nigerian lady on the hunt for an apartment to rent in Lagos, recently shared her frustrating experience with a house agent. In a TikTok video, she expressed her dismay at being taken to an area with a dirty environment.

Chisom, who has been searching for a suitable apartment for quite some time, vowed not to settle until she finds the right place. However, her house-hunting journey hit a roadblock when the agent led her to an unkempt neighborhood.

The environment was littered with debris, and the air felt stagnant. Chisom wasted no time in rejecting the apartments, refusing to even inspect them further. She emphasized that despite having a good budget, she couldn’t possibly live in such conditions.

“This house is priced at N1.2 million for a one-bedroom,” Chisom stated. “But cleanliness matters too!”

Her video has sparked reactions from other Lagos residents. One user, @ECHEBENZ, suggested that Chisom explore Festac, a neighborhood known for its pleasant environment.

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As Chisom continues her search, she remains determined to find a suitable apartment that meets her standards. For now, she’s standing firm: cleanliness is non-negotiable1.

!Stella Chisom

Photo credit: TikTok/Stella Chisom

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In Lagos, finding the perfect apartment can be a challenge. Stella Chisom’s experience highlights the importance of considering not only the budget but also the living conditions. As she perseveres in her search, she serves as a reminder that cleanliness matters when choosing a place to call home1

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