Robert De Niro Loses Philanthropy Award After Epic Anti-Trump Rant

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In a twist that even Hollywood screenwriters would envy, Robert De Niro, famed for his roles in “Goodfellas” and “Taxi Driver,” has found himself uninvited from an awards gala after a particularly fiery outburst. The National Association of Broadcasters (NAB) rescinded its offer to De Niro, yanking away his invitation like a bouncer at a swanky club.

It all started earlier this week when De Niro, 80, took to the mic outside a Manhattan courthouse where former President Donald Trump was facing trial. Channeling his inner Travis Bickle, De Niro launched into a tirade against Trump, warning that a second Trump presidency would spell the end of freedoms Americans hold dear. “I don’t mean to scare you,” he said, with the intensity of someone ordering a late-night slice in Little Italy. “No, wait, maybe I do mean to scare you.”

Not one to shy away from controversy, De Niro’s comments sparked a verbal skirmish with Trump supporters, one of whom accused the actor of being a puppet for the Democratic National Committee. De Niro’s response, peppered with expletives, would make even a sailor blush.

The NAB, hoping to keep their Celebration of Service to America awards as drama-free as possible, decided to withdraw De Niro’s invitation. “While we strongly support free speech,” said Alex Siciliano, NAB’s senior VP of communications, “Mr. De Niro’s recent high-profile activities would create a distraction from the philanthropic work we want to highlight.” In other words, they preferred to focus on less colorful, but equally deserving, local journalism heroes.

Trump, never one to let a slight go unanswered, fired back on his platform Truth Social, calling De Niro a “wacko” and taking jabs at his mental and physical stature. It’s a classic Trump move, blending schoolyard taunts with social media savviness.

De Niro, for his part, remained unfazed. When asked about the snub, he offered polite support for the NAB’s mission and wished them well. It's a measured response, suggesting that while De Niro might have a quick temper, he’s also got a thick skin.

So, in a world where actors sometimes get a bit too into character, and politicians can’t resist a good social media feud, this saga offers a bit of everything. High drama, public outbursts, and a touch of absurdity—just another day in the life of Robert De Niro.

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